Bio Rad Thermal Cycler C1000

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Bio rad thermal cycler c1000. Use our thermal cycler selection chart to learn about the complete line of pcr systems bio rad offers. Bio rad c1000 thermal cycler c1000 thermal cycler supplied by bio rad used in various techniques. Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer instrument agilent techcologies cat. Contact your local bio rad laboratories office for the details of the warranty.
Warranty the c1000 thermal cycler and associated accessories are covered by a standard bio rad laboratories warranty. G2940ca bio rad c1000 thermal cycler bio rad cat. I typically run pcr once a week and the sample numbers vary from 3 to 6. The c1000 touch thermal cycler s temperature control produces high average ramp rates and tight uniformity during ramping to yield fast time to target temperature and faster protocol run times.
As part of my work i have to run rt pcr in order to evaluate the transcription level of cancer markers. Run times can be dramatically shortened to less than 30 min while still producing accurate quantitative results. The c1000 touch thermal cycler s temperature control produces high average ramp rates and tight uniformity during ramping to yield fast time to target temperature and faster protocol run times. Run times can be dramatically shortened to less than 30 min while still producing accurate quantitative results.
The bio rad c1000 touch 384 thermal cycler provides a powerful platform for repeatable performance that can be adapted to suit your needs this easy to use easy to program pcr features a bright full color touch screen to navigate users through a graphic based interface. Writing conventions used in this manual. The c1000 touch has two programming options a protocol autowritter that generates an optimal protocol based on your. I use the c1000 touch thermal cycler from bio rad for the study of gene expression.
Use the touch screen protector to shield the surface of the display from dust reagents and scratches. Our instrument compatibility chart lists the range of compatible plastic consumables for all bio rad thermal cyclers. There are several features that make the c1000 easy to use. The cycler can be used as a stand alone instrument for pcr or it can be connected to a c1000 touch thermal cycler for additional throughput.
Zero bias scores article reviews protocol conditions and more. Table 1 lists bio rad laboratories resources and how to locate what you need. Alternatively connect a pc running the c1000 manager software directly to a c1000 thermal cycler to program and control the cycler from the pc. Up to three s1000 cyclers can be connected to a c1000 touch cycler and the four cyclers can then be conveniently controlled as one high throughput instrument.
Nu s480 600 blue pippin instrument sage science blue pippin centrifuge eppendorf 5810r cat.