Best Outdoor Rain Gear

The rei co op essential rain pant is our outdoorgearlab best buy winner because it is simply the best rain pant you can buy for the price.
Best outdoor rain gear. The best rain jackets to help you brave the elements when it rains it pours. Best overall rain jacket 1. Going to work in the rain is perhaps one of the most necessary times for a solid rain gear. Patagonia torrentshell 3l 149 weight.
L l bean h2off rain jacket. Our rain loving gear heads have tested over 35 of the best rain jackets over seven years. If you simply need to keep the rain out while sitting or standing around this gear does just fine and costs very little money. Marmot has truly designed an effective lightweight rain jacket with the precip but the best part that rounds it all out is the price tag.
Think rain slicker or emergency poncho. When choosing the best backpacking rain jacket there are several key considerations such as weight bulk waterproofing technique and breathability. Part of being comfortable hiking and backpacking in the rain is owning and understanding exactly what rain gear to use. The essential rain pant is constructed with a 2 5 layer proprietary coated waterproof fabric that performed similarly in weather.
If you do any exertion though your rain slicker will be slick inside too. All together the precip is a worthy contender for almost all predictable usages of a rain jacket and rightfully deserves its reputation. We spent two and a half months researching 134 raincoats and testing 30 with a panel of six testers in a range of shapes and sizes to find seven of the best rain jackets in a wide variety of. Below we break down the best rain jackets of 2020 from entry level models for hiking and daily use to ultralight pieces for backpacking climbing and trail running.
For more background information see our rain jacket comparison table and buying advice below the picks. A quick google search for best rain jacket will reveal various lists like this one and patagonia s torrentshell makes an appearance on nearly all of them. And it won t take much wind to make a poncho largely ineffective. It boasts impressive stormworthiness weight and packed volume that we found to be comparable to many high end options.
This 2020 update features 12 of the market s most current and best that ll keep you protected from thundering downpours and white out snow conditions.